Thursday, December 31, 2020


This blog was started so that I could show off all my Lego builds. I was starting to get pretty good at creating my own builds, and I wanted to showcase them. Some of them would go on to be dismantled, and this is my record of them. 

But doesn't work quite the way I'd like as far as displaying the posts. Being intended more for periodic written blogging, the 'table of contents' effect is date-dependent and unwieldy to use. So I've converted all my posts over the years to pages. The side effect of this is that all the ones converted show a date of December 2020. Well, many of the posts had dates of June 2017, so I'm guessing that was a conversion effort back then. Dates aren't really relevant to this sort of thing, anyway.

But my build pages are currently listed over on the left in three categories.

Custom Projects are things I've designed and built on my own. In the Lego-fan world, these are often called MOCs (My Own Creation). Some of these are things I wanted for functionality (phone stand, pieces to use for D&D). Others were for display, build for something I'm a fan of (Firefly, Dresden Files). And some were just for the heck of it, because I had an idea.

Build Logs are where I've taken a larger Lego build and built it out following the directions given. In most cases, I've then followed up by modifying the build to be something of my own. But as I built it, I took pictures and noted my thoughts about the build.

Collections are where I've taken several pictures of some of my stuff that are all around a theme.

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