Ocean Display

Custom Project - prior to June 2017

I ordered some 10"x10" plates. They didn't work for the project I had hoped to use them for, but once I set Moana's boat (set 41150) on top, I knew I had to create an ocean display.

So I arranged them to be three levels (there was a fourth, but it became the base for another project). Ocean surface, mid-range, and ocean floor.

I used a lot of pieces in this one that aren't Lego, or even compatible, pieces. Tiny little rubber animals worked for this one. They aren't attached, though, of course, so this display is less stable than most.

On the surface, of course, is the Moana boat, as well as a little water-craft from a Lego Elves set, and a porpoise from a Friends set.

On the mid-level, I found some sharks and rays and turtles, as well as some seahorses to fit into the support towers. The support towers also hold some jellyfish on the lower level, where I've added some plants. Then I added some octopi (both Lego and not), a Lego crab, and a starfish.

I expect to do more with this one at some point, though I don't have any particular plans right now.

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